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Reesheda Boyd

President & CEO

Reesheda is a Veterans Service Representative with the Department of Veterans Affairs. Reesheda graduated from Douglas Mac Arthur high school. She obtained her Associates of Applies Science degree in Paralegal Studies at St. Louis Community College. She earned her Bachelors of Arts degree in Organizational Studies from Fontbonne University. She also obtained her Masters of Arts degree in Management and Leadership from Webster University with a certificate in Non Profit Management. As a Veterans Service Representative, Reesheda makes eligibility determinations for compensation benefits to include questions relating to adequacy for military service, medical evidence, and lay testimony to establish a claim. She evaluates evidence of income, net worth employability, dependency, and relationship. She analyzes, develops, and requests required evidence for claims requiring a rating decision. She determines the necessity for and the type of examinations, reexaminations, or opinions to determine the existence of or to evaluate disabilities resulting from injuries or disease. She develops comprehensive requests for these exams and or opinions to ensure appropriate evidence is received to properly adjudicate the claim. She acts as an advocate for veterans and their beneficiaries in their dealings with other VA elements and organizations that affect their claim.As the visionary of Integrity Resolutions Inc., Reesheda has seen and experienced the hurt and destitute of individuals who are unable to prevent and sustain repeated experiences of defeat. Often the issues of reliable, affordable services can turn an individual's life from success to failure. Reesheda's vision is to serve others by providing resources for their success, as well as, providing methods of intervention to prevent reoccurrences of the same self destructive actions. IRI offers resources and support services to all individuals in need.

314 594 7538

Reesheda Boyd
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